Electromotive Solutions Blog http://www.electromotivesolutions.co.in/blog/ Latest Products Sat, 27 Jul 2024 16:37:24 +0530 en-us http://www.electromotivesolutions.co.in Guidelines To Buying Emergency Charging Bulbs Online http://www.electromotivesolutions.co.in/blog/guidelines-to-buying-emergency-charging-bulbs-online_12324.htm Mon, 14 Feb 2022 12:55:27 +0530 Power cuts in our country are not uncommon, and hence having an alternative lighting solution can help combat such problems. Emergency charging bulbs offer a great alternative lighting solution at the time of power cuts. These bulbs have an inbuilt power backup that can provide you with light if the power is cut from the main grid. Emergency charging bulbs are popular and in demand in commercial and residential settings in places that experience frequent power cuts.  Emergency charging bulbs are also readily available in the market space online and offline at affordable prices. Listed below are guidelines for buying Emergency charging bulbs from any 9W Emergency Charging Bulb Manufacturer in India.   Authorised manufacturer 9W Emergency Charging Bulbs are available in varying brands and quality online. To guarantee high quality and genuine product, you must purchase the same from an authorised and established 9W Emergency Charging Bulb Manufacturer online. Several big brands like Philips, etc offer 9W Emergency Charging Bulbs at reasonable to their customers.    Powerful battery Having a power backup is ideal, but you must have a powerful battery to take care of lighting solutions for longer hours. LED emergency charging bulbs come with a powerful Lithium battery that has a long life and can provide you with lighting solutions over years. Having a powerful battery life also makes 9W Emergency Charging Bulbs cost-effective.    Charging capacity 9W Emergency Charging Bulbs are fast charging emergency bulbs that act like a normal light bulb when the power is on and easily coverts in the emergency bulb as soon as the place experiences a power cut when kept On. You must enquire about the charging capacity of the 9W Emergency Charging Bulb when looking to buy 9W Emergency Charging Bulb from any brand or 9W Emergency Charging Bulb Manufacturer in Maharashtra. You must also look for the charging time of the 9W Emergency Charging Bulb before making a final purchase.    Warranty period A high-quality 9W Emergency Charging Bulb will come with a warranty period. You can easily find branded 9W Emergency Charging Bulb with 2 years warranty period. Browse through the different 9W Emergency Charging Bulb websites to get a better understanding of different warranty periods offered by various lighting brands online to make an informed choice.   The above-discussed guidelines are only among the few when buying 9W Emergency Charging Bulbs online. 9W Emergency Charging Bulb is a great addition to your house. It can be used for varied applications as an ideal power back in your desired space like a study room, bathroom, etc. 9W Emergency Charging Bulbs are durable and offers hours of back at the time of need.    Some brands of 9W Emergency Charging Bulbs are known to offer omnidirectional light. With a single LED  bulb Emergency Charging Bulbs, you to navigate any space with ease at the time of power cut. If you live in a place that is not new to frequent power cut 9W Emergency Charging Bulbs are worth an investment. 9W Emergency Charging Bulbs can be quite helpful in the case of an emergency. What Are The Advantages Of LED Products? http://www.electromotivesolutions.co.in/blog/what-are-the-advantages-of-led-products_12649.htm Wed, 13 Apr 2022 10:54:28 +0530   LED products are the most fascinating and latest technological advancement in the industry. The Light Emitting Diodes are solid light bulbs that are small but powerful. These are long-lasting and energy efficient as well. The LED products Manufacturer in Vidarbha Region provides their customers with lights that are way better than the traditional incandescent light bulbs.    The LED products that these manufacturers provide are durable compared to traditional lights. This technology also offers different benefits that one cannot ignore. This also includes an exceptionally long lifespan, high safety and maintenance costs.    One can certainly read and hear a lot about the advantages that are associated with LED lights. When these are compared to the other lighting products that are available in the market these are the most power-saving and smartest solution. Following are the benefits of getting LED products from LED products Manufacturers in Vidarbha.   Efficiency  LEDs are stuffed capably with adequate energy and utilize something like 90% less power than glowing lights. Since LEDs utilize less expensive energy than a radiant bulb, there is an emotional lessening in influence expenses, and accordingly, the cash you dole out consistently towards your service bills. Cash and energy are saved in support and substitution costs because of the long lifespan.    Longevity  LEDs have a life expectancy of as long as 60,000 hours rather than the 1,500 hours common of glowing bulbs. An incredible LED light can endure more than 7 years of consistent use before requiring a substitution. Ordinarily, LED bulbs to keep going multiple times as long as little bright light bulbs and quite a bit longer than run of the mill glowing bulbs. The long lifetime of LEDs will radically decrease upkeep expenses and lower long haul working expenses contrasted with customary Lamoureux and glaring lights.   Durability LEDs are strong express lighting gadgets that use semiconductor material instead of fibre or neon gas. A LED light is a minuscule chip exemplified in an epoxy plant fenced-in area, which makes LEDs far sturdier than conventional brilliant bulbs or neon tubes.   Safety And Security  Predominant security might be the main advantage of LEDs. Driven lights create practically no glow subsequently they are cool to the touch and can be left on for a long time without episode or result whenever contacted.   LEDs produce 3.4 btu's/hour contrasted with 85 for glowing bulbs. Interestingly, Lamoureux lighting ousts 90% of the energy it uses through heat, making the bulbs hot to the touch. LEDs lessen the potential for security risks, like fires and burns.    Safe For The Environment  LED products do not have any toxic material in them. This is earth-friendly, green and also recyclable. People can use this without hampering the environment in any way. Therefore LED products is a safe option.    Choose to deal with the best LED products Manufacturer in Vidarbha Region and get products from them in bulk for your use. These are the best products with amazing features and benefits which makes them popular in the market. Make sure that the supplier and manufacturer you are dealing with are honest and reliable. Panel Light Manufacturers in Maharashtra – Get the Best Lighting Solution http://www.electromotivesolutions.co.in/blog/panel-light-manufacturers-in-maharashtra-get-the-best-lighting-solution_13197.htm Wed, 20 Jul 2022 11:57:17 +0530 Panel Light Manufacturers in Maharashtra are rightly serving the needs of the buyers of the panel light. The best price of the product helps increase the demand.    Are you looking for different ways to save more money on energy? Or do you just wish to give your home a modern look? Yes. It is the right time to replace your old fluorescent ceiling lights with panel lights. Moreover, the larger panels will promise a brighter setup and cut back on the time required for regular maintenance. There are lots of manufacturers who are serving the needs of the customers in Maharashtra.    Let’s discuss the top benefits of installing the panel lights:   Amazing flexibility in design LED panel lights turn it easy to take benefit from a point-like light source. It is easy for the designers to create an office layout or kitchen that takes full exploit of the effects and shapes created by the lights.   High brightness One of the main points associated with the LED panel lights offered by Panel Light Manufacturers in Maharashtra is the sealed design and best quality reflective panels which promises a high level of brightness. Additionally, the panels prepared with photoconductive plates and aluminum materials are the best option.    Less heat dissipation No doubt, LEDs are best known for their aptitude to dispel a lot less heat which implies a lower level of power consumption. With suitable heat-dissipation little heat is observed by those who are standing in a small space of the office or home.    Used for the Long life  According to the data, these lights can work for 100,000 hours. It implies that the light fittings can last up to 27 years if the lights are switched on for 7 to 8 hours per day.   Light Adjustment The majority of the LED panel lights give the choice to adjust the strength of the light which implies it is possible to advantage of the soft, eye-catching light and avoid the harsh, unpleasant light.   Shock-resistant The ceiling lights are made to be resistant to shock and quite hard to damage. The majority of the lights are made in a hard resin and not the less good tungsten glass. Additionally, the design even assists to control temperature issues.   Easy management  The capacity to control the ceiling lights is promising using an external controller, which can believe numerous commands. Control choices include changing the color temperature and even brightness.    Eco-friendly process The low use of the LED panel lights implies they are an eco-friendly technology and can result in a considerable saving in energy. The kind of light causes minimal pollution throughout the manufacturing procedure. Moreover, there is no mercury contained in the product. An individual panel is just like having six fluorescent bulbs. An advantage of using fewer bulbs to light the office or home is the ability to lower the high-voltage needs.    If you are interested in buying the panel light, you can contact reliable Panel Light Manufacturers in Maharashtra serving the needs of the customers. Why LED Bulbs Are The Best Choice? http://www.electromotivesolutions.co.in/blog/why-led-bulbs-are-the-best-choice_13648.htm Tue, 25 Oct 2022 13:05:03 +0530 The day when light bulbs could only emit light is long past, and they had a traditional shape and form. These lights are the most important interior elements, greatly influencing the atmosphere of any type of room. The progress of the lighting system has focused on usefulness as well as aesthetics, going from incandescent lights through Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) to LED lights in the end. Additionally, LED lights produced by the LED Bulb Manufacturer in Nagpur Region are quite accessible; you may visit many LED lighting producers or just get LED lights online from the business of your choosing. A Reduction In Energy Waste Thanks To LED Lighting When compared to conventional lighting, LED luminaires are up to 80% more energy efficient and use much less energy. For instance, fluorescent lighting produces heat instead of light in around 95% of its energy production. However, LEDs can turn 95% of their energy into light. A Sustainable Choice The fact that LED lights are made to last far longer than conventional lighting is only one of the numerous factors that make them a preferred eco-friendly alternative. The lifespan of LED lighting can be up to 20 times longer than that of halogen or incandescent light. As a result, LED lights are good for the environment. Cost-effective In comparison to CFL and incandescent lights, which have lifespans of 8,000 and 1,200 hours, respectively, LEDs are a more affordable alternative because of their extended lifespan of up to 50,000 hours. Additionally, LED lights often have lower replacement costs than incandescent and CFL lights, which have greater costs due to their regular maintenance and replacement needs. The main factor contributing to LED light's low cost is its longevity. A Remarkable Colour Spectrum To produce various hues and tones of light, incandescent lights need gels or filters. In contrast, LEDs provide a broad spectrum of colours and hue ranges without the need for gels or filters, that can wear out or lose their colour over time. With LEDs, the colour of the light that is emitted is modified by the actual diode (or its phosphorous coating), thus you can rely on it to remain the same hue until the end of its lifespan. Minimal Radiant Heat An LED bulb creates light when it is energised, as opposed to an incandescent bulb, which functions by heating its strand to heat that causes it to emit light. LEDs may run at a much lower temperature than typical light bulbs because they convert energy into light rather than heat (rather than utilising heat to make light). Any heat that LEDs do produce is dispersed by a specialised absorber plate, which is intended to take any heat and distribute it well apart from the diodes. LEDs produce very little heat. LEDs themselves do not release infrared light in their beam, therefore there is no heat to it, even though the fixture or base itself may feel warm to the touch. Way Upfront With supporters saying that it is a far more sustainable source than its conventional competitors, LED lighting is growing in favour among the nation's citizens. Therefore, it is always advised to purchase your LED luminaires from a reputable LED lighting manufacturer if you are considering an update.